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Casual Layer Analysis (CLA)

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Complex problem situation

Problems that emerge in complex socio-technical systems and require systems transformation

Feedback loops

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Novel (social or technological) inventions and solutions that emerge outside of the mainstream markets

Leverage points

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Orchestrating innovation

An approach to innovation that brings parties around a specific challenge together with the aim of jointly creating solutions


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Problem owner

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A system is a (complex) interconnected set of (socio-technical) elements, coherently organized in a way that achieves something

System architypes

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Systems Engineering (SE)

An approach to enable the realization of succesful systems

Systems innovation

An approach that mobilises technological and social innovation to tackle complex problem situations and enacts system change

Systems Thinking

A holistic perspective on systems of interconnected elements, and a set of analytic skills to understand and predict behaviour of systems, and devise modifications to those systems

Transdisciplinary innovation

An approach to innovation that integrates multiple disciplines to find solutions to complex problems


Temporary, long-term destabilisation and reorganisation of a system in response to an impulse (e.g. complex problem situation)

Transition studies

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Unintended consequences

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Wicked problem

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