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Systems innovation approaches


This page is a work-in-progress. Your feedback is important! Please share your questions, ideas or other feedback with Claudio Lazo, Wouter van den Berg, Célestine de Zeeuw and/or Mirjam Groote Schaarsberg.

Approaches, methodologies, methods, procedures, techniques and tools

In order to better classify and compare systems innovation solutions, we adapt the conceptual definition from Andiappan & Wan (2020). We expand their concepts of approach, methodology, method, procedure and technique to also include the concept of a tool. This gives us the following hierarchy:

  • An approach is "the basic philosphy or belief concerning a given subject matter. It is a way or direction used to address a problem based on a set of assumptions." For instance, in process design there are two approaches: hierarchical design or concurrent design.
  • A methodology describes the general strategy to solve a problem and allows the practitioner to make choices within a certain set of rules or boundaries. A methodology is a system of methods used with set rules or criteria. A framework is considered a methodology that is less procedural and functions more as guidelines.
  • A method entails how an approach will be practically implemented. For instance, a design problem may be tackled by a nondeterministic approach, which is implemented through the method of 'stochastic programming'. Methods are not necessarily part of a methodology.
  • A procedure is a sequence of techniques, conducted in a certain order. These may be defined by the practitioner in order to follow a specific method, or may follow 'built-in' algorithms.
  • A technique is a specific, immediate action with immediate result. For example, activities such as collecting data, conducting interviews, setting operating conditions, solving a model.
  • A tool is a tangible item that can be used in performing a technique. These items can be physical objects (e.g. microscope, gas chromatographs), software (online survey program, simulation program, statistical analysis program), templates (e.g. visual toolbox).

A hierarchy of solution concepts: approaches, methodologies, methods, procedures and techniques


coming soon


Andiappan, V., & Wan, Y.K., (2020). Distinguishing approach, methodology, method, procedure and technique in process systems engineering. Clean Techn Environ Policy 22, 547–555.

De Vicente Lopez & Matti (2016). Visual toolbox for system innovation. A resource book for practitioner to map, analyse and facilitate sustainability transition [EIT Climate-KIC]

Ghosh, B., & Torrens, J. (2020). Towards a transformative innovation policy (TIP) research agenda

Leadbeater, C., & Winhall, J. (2020). Building Better Systems. A Green Paper on System Innovation. Rockwool Foundation, Copenhagen.

OECD (2015). Systems innovation synthesis report.

TNO (2014). Systemic Innovation: Concepts and tools for strengthening National and European Eco-policies.